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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wedding Insurance: Get This Valuable Protection

The bride and groom are so excited. They have put so much into the planning of their wedding: Their hearts, money, and months of their precious time. Of course, brides are squarely focused on their special day– not on what could go wrong. They have made every effort to ensure the perfect day, but what about all the things that are not in their control? Suppose someone gets ill, a hurricane sets in, or a vendor goes bankrupt. Wedding insurance can protect your wedding day and give you the peace of mind that everything is covered.

What does wedding insurance do for you? Wedding insurance is designed specifically to protect the consumer by offering financial protection if certain unfortunate, unforeseen events should occur during the period leading up to and including the wedding day. It provides protection for vendor deposits, wedding gown loss or damage, photography problems, and much more. Specifically, you can get repair or replacement cost on the gown or tuxedo lost or damaged. You can get your deposit refunded if a vendor declares bankruptcy or simply does not show up. If severe weather (hurricane) causes you’re wedding to be postponed, you can get your non-refundable deposits reimbursed. If your photographs are defective, you can get reimbursed to reconvene the wedding party to take new photos. Wedding insurance also provides the ability to purchase additional liability and property damage from claims arising out of the wedding itself to protect the couple.

So, are you still asking yourself why should I purchase wedding insurance? According to a 2009 survey by Conde Nast, the average cost for a wedding in the United States is $28,082. You would get insurance to protect your car, wouldn’t you? Why not protect the investment you have in your wedding?

As the economy worsens, wedding claims continue to increase. Companies are going out of business causing many couples to lose their deposit. According to Travelers Insurance, about 40 percent of their claims come from issues with caterers, photographers, and other vendors. Additionally, they state that the most common issues were that vendors failed to show up on the wedding day, suddenly went out of business, or experienced some type of financial setback. It typically will not cover loss due to a “change of heart.”

The best part is that these policies are very affordable. They can be bought for as little as $190. They are specifically tailored to the needs of the bride and groom. And, they work well for large and small events. So, unless you can afford to fund the same event twice, you may want to consider this valuable protection.

By : Carla E
Source : http://www.articledashboard.com

How To Save On Travel Insurance

According to statistics released last year from travel insurers, almost two in five British travellers gets sick for two or more days while on holiday. ‘Delhi belly’ is the most common complaint – surprise surprise! So health cover is another must. If you’re holidaying within the European Union then you’re in luck as you could save a bundle on health cover. Within the EU you’ll need a European Health Insurance card (EHIC), which entitles you to free medical country in any EU country – so you see, there are some upsides to this European Union after all!

The added cost of flying you home for treatment is an extra consideration to take if you’re holidaying in a country with a poor healthcare system, or indeed anywhere outwith the European Union. Repatriation/evacuation insurance will most definitely cost you extra, but it sure beats being stranded in a foreign hospital, mounting up extortionate medical bills, or worse, receiving incorrect or unsafe treatment.

Your own needs may vary from this guide, but as a general rule, these are the levels of cover as recommended by most travel insurance and financial advice companies. We’ve tried to address why you may need to vary these cover amounts.

Healthcare expenses - £2 million. You’ll find some insurers offering jaw-dropping amounts of cover – upwards of £20 million in some cases. But in reality this is just unnecessary, and £2 million is the accepted standard top. Obviously, this figure can be cut considerably for travellers within the EU, as long as you make sure and obtain an EHIC.

Cancellation - £3000. £3000 is an average gu-estimate really. The level of cover you opt for will obviously depend on the original cost of your holiday. If your holiday was particularly cheap, you might be better off not paying for cancellation insurance, as the amount of compensation you would receive, taking into account the standard £50 excess payment, may only be minimal.

By: April1 Stevens1
Source : http://www.articledashboard.com

The Basics Of Insurance

In general, insurance is all about something known as coverage. What is coverage? Coverage is simply the application of the insurance product to a particular area of risk. Car insurance, for instance, involves coverage associated with the risk of getting in an accident or having something happened to your car. Life insurance, on the other hand, provides coverage for the financial risk associated with dying. Life insurance can't bring you back to life, but it can cover your financial obligations. With every measure of it there is always the element of coverage to be considered. This is really where insurance begins and stops.

The next element of insurance you must understand is the "policy". Millions of people buy insurance every day. Almost none of them actually understand the policies that they are buying. The insurance policy is a contract at its heart. Pursuant to legal theories, it is considered something known as an adhesion contract. What is an adhesion contract? Is a contract that is considered one-sided. For instance, if you try to renegotiate your healthcare insurance contract, you're not going to get very far. It tends to be a take it or leave it situation with one side having all the power to set the terms. As result, the insurance contract is interpreted against the interest of the companies when a dispute arises in court and there are any ambiguities.

The third basic element of any contract is the premium. The premium is a very simple thing. It is the price that you pay for the insurance. The amount of the premium is something that is next to impossible for most laypeople to understand. The reason being, the premium is based on actuarial charts and analysis of the risk involved in the insurance. Depending on the type, the premiums can be calculated based on everything from the nature of the coverage to your credit report. Yes, your credit report!

Regardless of the type of insurance that is being discussed, these are always the three basic elements. There will always be an element of coverage, a policy describing that coverage, and a premium paying for that policy. As long as you keep those three things in mind, you're well on your way to understanding what you are buying and what it will do for you.

By: Tom Ajava
Source : http://www.articledashboard.com

Insurance Cover for Vans

If you’re looking to take out a new policy to insure your van, particularly if it’s related to your business or your income, the Auto Direct website could provide you with everything that you need to know. Whilst there are many different kinds of insurance comparison websites around, there are few who cater specifically for van insurance which makes Auto Direct a particularly valuable tool for you and your company.

A company such as Auto Direct will guide you through their easy to use website where you can enter all your details before searching through a vast array of different quotes for your van insurance providing you with a range of different options, and as van specialists, they cover a vast and varied range of insurance brokers.

Secondly, once you have come to a decision about which policy will best suit your needs, you will then be allowed to choose between a variety of possible monthly payment options. This kind of flexibility is also important in the current economic climate and will help to ensure that you don’t struggle to meet these payments each month.

Once you’ve opened your van insurance policy with Auto Trade you might also like to look into their Tradesmen Insurance. This covers you in the unhappy event of a customer or member of the public invoking legal proceedings against you or your business. It is available for self employed business people or for small businesses as a whole and covers 88 different trades. In the event of this happening to you, it would cover claimant’s costs, compensation and any expenses following injury or damage to property and could offer you extra peace of mind concerning your business.

Whether you choose to open Tradesmen Insurance or not, there are plenty of perks to having Auto Direct as a first-stop for commercial van insurance . They offer break down cover inclusive in the price as well as unlimited glass and windscreen cover, which doesn’t always come as standard.

When it comes to your livelihood there’s no better time to start thinking seriously about the different ways in which you can protect it and add extra financial security to your business. Insurance is one of the most sensible ways of addressing this issue, so shop around, do your research and you’re sure to find the best policy for you.

Looking to save money on your van insurance, try a quote from autodirect.co.uk, the van insurance UK experts.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Why Do You Need Insurance for Renters?

You may be renting a house or a condominium unit but you still need insurance. Insurance for renters is a necessity. Don´t assume that your landlord has the insurance for the building.

Chances are the policy of your landlord does not cover your personal property. So if something happens to your personal property, you would have to shell out so much money to have these replaced.

Just picture it. What if your apartment building is burned down or a thief breaks into the town house you are staying? What if your home gets flooded? These incidences are so unavoidable. Sometimes they just come as a surprise. Insurance for renters is highly recommended to all those who rent their homes because it lets them sleep more soundly at night.

If you don´t have insurance for renters, you will have no coverage for the personal property you lose or the assets you possess that have been damaged. With insurance for renters, you can protect your belongings as well as yourself, just in case you find yourself in situations such as these.

Even if you´re not a home owner, you still own property in the place you rent. The least you can do is protect your assets. Most people think that they don´t have to do these with their property because it´s not enough to qualify for an application for insurance for renters.

But what do they have to lose? Properties just don´t mean cars or homes. They can actually insure your belongings such as your furniture, clothes, entertainment systems, computers, musical or sporting equipments, and jewelry.

But they have to check whether the insurance for renters apply to them. The renter´s policy states exactly what are insured and what aren´t. In the insurance circle, this is commonly known as the "named peril."

These are situations that they consider to be eligible for them to cover your loss. These are lightning or fire, smoke, windstorm, theft, malicious mischief, vandalism, and accidental discharge of water such as flood or sewer damage.

The insurance for renters has the coverage that includes the liability protection. This is when the insurance company covers injuries of another person to the property of their customers.

If needed, the insurance will also pay for the legal bills in this situation.
It also cover medical payments if the people who are injured within your property even if they do not live with you. In order for you to fully understood the conditions of the insurance for renters, talk to your insurance agent.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Annual Renewable Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is the most simplest and original form of life insurance, it has the cheapest premium because it provides no cash value to the buyer, and there will be no saving or refund of premium. This is fair enough because this policy is designed solely for life protection, and very inexpensive premium is required.

As the name implies, term life insurance insures the buyer a specific term of his or her life only, once that term is expired; the buyer has the option to renew the policy at an increased premium or discontinue or purchase a new policy. This is much recommended to those who can’t afford expensive premium but need big coverage, especially a bread-winner with many children to support and those who find expensive premium is a burden.

Annual renewable term life insurance

The word annual means one year, thus explains the meaning of the policy. The term of an annual renewable term life insurance is one year, the death benefit is payable to the beneficiary if the insured dies within the one year period, there will be no compensation if the insured dies even one day after the expiration of the policy.

In reality very few people will purchase this policy because a person who purchased it will die in the period of one year is rare case. Anyone bought this policy contracted a critical illness during the term but survives until the end of the expiration, he will receive no compensation, but because of the illness he will be considered as uninsurable and unable to renew the policy.

So term life insurance policies has solution for this problem, they have included a condition called re-insurability, as well as the buyer included this feature in his term life policy, he will be able to renew his insurance for as long as he wishes, without the necessity of providing proof of insurability. So the buyers need not worry they purchased an annual renewable term life insurance but the policy will be terminated upon expiration.

If any buyer contracted a critical illness he is considered uninsurable, but if he has re-insurability included to his Annual Renewable Term he is able to continue the policy. Annual Renewable Term has the similarity as the one year term life insurance, and the policy will be able to continue each year for a given period of time, from 10 years to 30 years or more.

Anyone who purchased this type of policy can renew the policy but at a higher premium, as long as he keeps on paying premiums to keep his policy in force, the death benefit would still remain.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Monday, June 29, 2009

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