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Monday, July 20, 2009

New 2009 Honda Vario Launching

The presence of the mystery new Honda Vario finally revealed. PT Astra Honda motor (AHM) as the holder of the Honda brand motor ensure New Honda Vario will launched Thursday (7/23/2009) future.
New 2009 Honda Vario LaunchingNew 2009 Honda Vario Looks
Certainty launch schedule New Honda Vario is obtained after okezone obtain official invitation from the AHM.
Planned to launch in the procession will be present in the management of AHM as President Director Miki Yamamoto, Executive Vice President Director Johannes Loman, Marketing Director Julius Aslan, Marketing Director Takashi Nakamura, Senior General Manager of Technical Service Division Tedjosiswojo U.S., and General Manager Marketing Division Sigit Kumala.
This means that the schedule forward a day from the information expressed the AHM before, that the scooter matic (skutik) latest Honda will present the title in the Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2009.


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