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Monday, March 31, 2008

Motos Tuning - CG 150 Tuning

CG 150 Tuning!

Ficou interessante!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Motos Tuning - CG 125 Tunada

Olha ai, o que se faz numa CG 125!

CG 125 Tuning!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Motos Tuning - Suzuki GSXR-1000 Tuning

Mais uma moto tuning!

GSXR-1000 Tuning!

Motos Tuning - Hayabusa Tuning

Motos Tuning - Lazareth Tuning

Mais uma moto tunada!

Lazareth Tunado!

Muito linda essa moto!

Maruthi Suzuki's DZire on wheels now

Maruthi Suzuki's DZire is on wheels now

India's biggest car market Maruthi Suzuki Launched its new car Swift DZire on wednesday(mar 26, 2008).. By launching Swift DZire Maruthi has made its new entry level sedan... with introductory price ranging between Rs.4.49 lakh and Rs.6.70 lakh... The Dzire is the seventh model from Maruthi Suzuki comes both in diesel and petrol variants and is powered by 1.3 litre engine... Petrol variants are priced between Rs.4.49 lakh and Rs. 5.90 lakh, while diesel ones are between Rs.5.39 lakh and rs.6.70 lakh........ The cother competents for Swift DZire are Mahindra Renault's Logan and Tata Motor's Indigo. hope this new product of Maruthi wiil be a swift hit in the markets...

Tata's on Top Gear

One more feather added to tata's cap... now Tata is ready to drive Jaguar, rover..
Tata motors drives home fame by sealing the deal on Jaguar and rover from Ford motor company for approximately US $2.3 billion(roughly Rs.9,200 crore) on wednesday. Ford motors the third largest automobile company in the world suffered a loss of $15 billion in the last 2 years decided to sell Jaguar and Land Rover. Other bidders including Tata were M&M, PE players Cerberus, Ripplewood...

Tata's acquisitions for the past 8 years

Company acquired deal value

Tetley gp (feb 2002) 271 million euro
Regent hotels(sep 2002) Rs. 450 crore
Hughes Telecom(india)(dec 2002) Rs. 859 crore
Daewoo commercial Korea(mar 2004) korean won 120 bn($ 102 million)
Natsteel Asia, singapore(feb 2005) $480.10 million
Eight 'o clock coffee(jun 2006) $220 million
Energy brands Inc(oct 2006) $677 million
Tata steel chorus(jan'07) $11.3 billion
Tata power Bumi Resourses Indonesia $1.1 billion
Tata motors Jaguar- Land Rover(mar'08) $2.3billion

Thus Tata motors acquiring world class car brands and reaching achme... hail Tata

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Motos Tuning - Hornet Tuning

Mais uma hornet tunada!

Veja mais fotos de Hornet Tuning!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Motos Tuning - Kawasaki Tuning

Mais uma Kawasaki tunada!

Linda kawasaki !


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Motos Tuning - CBR 1000 Tuning

Mais uma CBR 1000 Tuning!

Lindas motos Tuning!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Motos Tuning - BMW K 1200 S Tuning

Mais uma moto tunada!

BMW K 1200 S

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Motos Tuning - Yamaha MT-01

Mais uma moto tunada!

Motos Tuning - Kawasaki Ego

Kawasaki Ego

Muito linda a moto !

Motos Tuning - Softail 2001

Mais uma moto tunada!

Softail 2001!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Motos Tuning - CBR 1000 Tuning

Mais uma CBR 1000 RR Tuning!

Uma moto mais bonita que outra!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Motos Tuning - Suzuki G-Strider

Suzuki G-Strider
Que moto!

Coisa de louco! Imagina o preço dela!

Suzuki G-Strider!

Motos Tuning - Harley Davidson Tuning

Mais uma moto doidera!

Harley Davidson!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Motos Tuning - Yamaha R1 Tuning

Mais uma R1 Tuning aí galera!

Altas Motos Tuning!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Motos Tuning - Yamaha R1

Coisa de louco! Yamaha R1 Tuning, muito linda!

As melhores fotos de motos tuning aqui!

Motos Tuning - CBR 1000 RR 2008!

Que máquina! muito massa essa moto!

Motos Tuning - CBR 600 RR Vermelha!

Mais uma RR !

CBR 600 RR Vermelha! essa é show!

Motos Tuning - CBR 600 Tuning

Uma CBR 600 aê!

muito show essa CBR 600, pra falar a verdade, tenho 1 amigo que tem 1 preto com vermelho, muito linda!

Motos Tuning - Hornet Tuning

Mais um tuning na hornet,

Ficou muito 10!

Motos Tuning - Twister Tuning

Muito linda essa moto!

Motos Tuning!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Motos Tuning - Twister Tuning

Olha a twister tuning aí!

Cor laranja, muito bacana, uma cor diferente!

Motos Tuning - Hornet Tuning

Hornet tuning, bela moto!

Gosto muito do barulho deste moto, um colega meu já teve uma dela :)

Motos Tuning

Só para começar galera, vem aí o blog Motos Tuning!
Vou postar varias imagens de motos tuning, para os fans de motos!


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